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Our Gardening Course Launches with East Surrey College

Our Gardening Course Launches with East Surrey College

We are delighted to announce that our Gardening Course with East Surrey College restarted on Monday 13th May! This 6-week taster course is designed for adults with varying abilities and special educational needs. Our senior management team got our Polytunnel and...
Strada Care is a Surrey Care Awards 2023 Silver Sponsor

Strada Care is a Surrey Care Awards 2023 Silver Sponsor

This year Surrey Care Association was thrilled to host the annual Surrey Care Awards on November 10th 2023 at Denbies Wine Estate in Dorking! The focus on this year’s celebration was GREEN IMPACT, emphasising the commitment to build a sustainable future. This event...
What is Supported Living?

What is Supported Living?

Supported living is a form of accommodation for people with disabilities or mental health needs that allows them to live as independently as possible, while still receiving the necessary support to meet their needs. In the UK, supported living is a popular option for...